

The design and construction of a water well


Along the Texas Gulf Coast and inland, sediments have been laid down throughout the course of geologic history and for many millions of years. With these cycles of deposition, different stratigraphic layers have been formed and include clays, shales and sands. With ensuing technology throughout the last centuries, saturated aquifers were delineated and hold volumes of water able to be accessed through drilling and completion of wells. Aquifers along the Gulf Coastal region are comprised of varying layers of saturated sands, all with distinct properties and the wells constructed within them are all unique.

First Steps

Communicate with us regarding your project—we have a skilled group of management that can help you with your requirements. For new wells there are several things to take into consideration:

  • Yield and pressure parameters for your project
  • Depth parameters and regional geology—we have an extensive in-house database of existing wells that can aid in determining a very accurate estimate of proposed well depths and yields.
  • Power requirements—we can help in determining the needed power sizing for your project and predict estimated costs of operation.
  • Permitting requirements—We work in a multitude of groundwater conservation districts and areas requiring permits for water wells. Our experience in these areas can help you untangle the requirements that may affect your water well.
  • After discerning your water well needs we can coordinate a site visit, if needed, to aid in the siting of your well. Our goal is to fit the requirements you desire with an aesthetically pleasing outcome.
  • Upon acceptance of our estimates, we will prepare a contract and provide you with an estimate of the time frame to complete the project. At this time, we can aid you in obtaining the proper permits for construction.

Our new water well projects normally consist of three phases:

  • Mobilization of equipment and crews for the drilling of the pilot hole and analysis of the findings.
  • Construction of the permanent water well
  • Sizing and installation of the permanent pumping equipment and project finalization.